Pitch side with Vintage Niftys

Vintage Niftys
6 min readDec 11, 2021


Noel and Ian Founders and Directors of Vintage Niftys Ltd

Studio: Rob Baxter is pitch side with the creators of Vintage Niftys, Rob..

Rob: Thanks Jeff, welcome to Vintage Park, the home of Vintage Niftys. Quite an old school ground with rickety old turnstiles and some seating that could do with the odd squirt of WD40.

I’m here with Noel Morgala and Ian Poultney, the owners, creators, founders — what do we call you guys?

Noel: Directors

Ian: yep — that’ll do, we’ve been called worse!

Rob: Great! So as the Directors of Vintage Niftys we’ve seen first-hand today, how passionate you are about what you are doing and there’s no doubt the amount of time you’ve spent getting Vintage Niftys ready for Kick off. For the people at home can you give us an insight into what Vintage Niftys is and what you want to achieve?

Noel: Thanks Rob, glad you asked…Vintage Niftys is a digital collectibles company who specialise in old school, or retro, footballer cards. You know the old cigarette cards that were around years ago? It’s just like those, but in digital form and without the ciggies! We’re passionate about our footballing heritage and we want to share that with our fans, we want to bring these old footballers into the modern age, in a new light so to say.

Ian: That’s right, as with any football club, it’s only as strong as the community around it. That’s as important to us as the players we have on the books, so to speak. They’re the lifeblood of a project like this and we intend to reward them for their loyalty.

Rob: It sounds like you are both here for the long haul. The fans will be pleased. Why NFTs?

Noel: Well with physical cards comes the risks of everyday life right? You can lose them, they could be stolen or God forbid, set alight! That all goes with NFTs — they’re there in the digital space and can be accessed at any time and they also save on vital living space! Also NFTs allow us to add some spice to the cards like animations and effects that are simply not possible with physical cards.

Ian: What’s not to love about this. NFTs give us the platform to create collectibles and reach an audience that can share our journey. We both have backgrounds in the Digital arena and a love of football alongside the passion for collecting. NFTs has allowed us to realise a dream and hopefully that enthusiasm comes across in the collection. It’s certainly something we intend to grow and nurture.

Rob: Ian you mentioned that passion you both have, so which teams do you support and do you have any favourite football memories you’d care to share?

Ian: Yes Rob, Im a Nottingham Forest fan. We all have our cross to bear! Unfortunately for me my first vivid football memories were of Forest’s glory years in the late 70’s early 80’s. the Brian Clough and Peter Taylor era. Still to this day I get goosebumps when I see a clip of John Robertson’s pinpoint cross onto the diving head of Trevor Francis in the 1979 European Cup Final. Impressive as that was, the stunt roll over the circle of concrete following the header was a site to behold.

Of course it’s been somewhat barren at the City ground since those years, but as with every true fan, come the start of a new season there is always the anticipation that something might happen, perhaps this is the year? I live In hope. Talking of which — I’m also a huge England fan. Always have been, always will be. Hope is something we carry like a flag or a scarf. England are so close to creating a new history at the moment and I do believe that the memories (if not sometimes slightly foggy ones) made by watching England tournament football have been my most cherished in the modern game.

Noel: Daft man!! Forest and England! Why!! Any way I can’t talk I support Newcastle. I have to it’s my home-town club, I can’t follow anyone else, it’s the rules! Favourite memories…oh man, I’ll always remember the times when I used to go with my Grandad. I was only 7 or 8 at the time, but I can never forget the atmosphere in the Gallowgate end. In those days the Gallowgate end was all standing and it was often more entertaining watching the crowd than the actual game! I distinctly remember one part called ‘The Corner’ and the crowd used to move up and down like a wave and the noise…I always wanted to be in the middle of it, but my Grandad said I was too young and that it was full of headcases — honestly it was like a bear pit! I also remember when we signed Mirandinha, how did we manage to sign a Brazilian? I thought it was amazing! Happy days.

Rob: Fascinating stuff lads. So one final question before we hand back to the studio. Can you tell us something about yourselves that not many people know?

Ian: Rob, football is in my bones. My Great Grandfather was a pro footballer, Jimmy Cantrell. He played for Notts County, Aston Villa and Spurs in the early 1900s — we will be creating a card for him in Series 2. Jimmy was a centre forward with a great goal tally and helped Spurs win the Football League Second Division in 1919–20 with a then record 70 points. He went on to collect a winner’s medal in the 1921 FA Cup Final at the age of 38. He still holds the record for the oldest outfield player to play for Spurs. I like to think I inherited some of his “touch” on the field but I’m probably kidding myself.

Noel: Ok so I’m bit of a closet collector — in fact I used to collect jackets, no joke, but let’s not go down that road! As a child I used to love going to the local newsagents on the weekend with my mother where she would treat me by buying 1 or 2 packs of football stickers. I’d go outside and rip them open straight away hoping to get that elusive silver NUFC badge (badges in those days were scarce!), but then I’d get another team photo of St. Mirren! Damn, better next luck time! I’d then take all my “swapsies” and trade them in the school yard. Happy days! Anyway you get older and then life takes over. It wasn’t until I got married and my father in-law introduced me to his “collection” that it got me going again. He’s got everything from football programmes to coins to Butlins badges! He keeps on saying “it’s all yours when I’m gone!” So yeah I’m set to inherit a ton load of stuff!

Rob: Well thanks again Noel and Ian for your hospitality today at Vintage Park, we will no doubt be speaking with you again soon. I wish you and Vintage Niftys every success in the upcoming season, back to you in the studio Jeff, I’m off for a mug of Bovril and a steaming hot meat pie.

Studio: Thanks Rob. Nice guys.

Vintage Niftys Series 1 available now on Neftblocks

You can buy Vintage Niftys, Old School Footballers Series 1 on Neftyblocks now: https://neftyblocks.com/c/vintagenftys

You can follow Vintage Niftys on Twitter: https://twitter.com/VintageNiftys

And for more information about Vintage Niftys: https://vintageniftys.io/

